Where are Paul’s originals?
Many of Paul’s pictures were made for and given to specific individuals and organizations. He bequeathed the originals that were in his possession along with related items such as his typewriter to the Umpqua Valley Arts Association.
Was a foundation ever formed for Paul?
In 2003, Gary Hill, an attorney in Roseburg, Oregon on a pro bono basis took steps to help set up a foundation for Paul. Mr. Hill was highly regarded in the community and had spent years in service to others, including working in the Peace Corps. Unfortunately in 2004 Mr. Hill suffered a heart attack at age 57 while at the Douglas County Courthouse and subsequently died. The planned foundation was never formed.
How were the images on this site made?
In the early 2000s, Paul’s art was displayed in several venues including at the Umpqua Valley Arts Association Summer Arts Festival and on greeting cards sold in the Roseburg area. Local printing companies assisted in these events by scanning copies of Paul’s pictures for reproduction. The images shown at this site are primarily from those digital files.
Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Paul’s Birth
This site was constructed as a way to share the many contributions of Paul as an artist and person, in time to commemorate the 100th anniversary of his birth (September 21, 1921). Paul’s legacy is eloquently captured in this letter …